Sekonic L-478DR-EL Litemaster Pro Elinchrom

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Sekonic L-478DR-EL Litemaster Pro Elinchrom


Sekonic L-478DR-EL Litemaster Pro Elinchrom

11833 Kč
9779 Kč bez DPH

Dostupnost: Skladem, dodání 2-4 dní

Part no.: 100397

Kód produktu: 41283888

Výrobce: Sekonic

Váha: 3 kg

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po-pá 8:00-16:30

Popis produktu

Popis produktu

na baterie: ano
Typ baterie / aku: AA Mignon
Potřebný počet: 3
Ukazatel stavu baterie: ano
Blitzmessung: ano
Expozimetr: ano
Typ: Expozimetr
Synchronizace blesků: bezdrátový
Barva: černá

Their compact size is both instantly familiar and comfortable to use. A large LCD (2.7") displays ambient, flash, cine and a host of other information in a clear and understandable way. Settings are made by simply touching or sliding a finger over the screen.

The L-478 meters can be quickly calibrated to your camera using Sekonic's Data Transfer software and either Sekonic or X-Rite Brand targets or by manually inputting data to the DTS program or on the meter itself.

Keeping pace with wireless advancements, the L-478DR-EL comes complete with exclusive Elinchrom Skyport technology which combines light measurement and flash power control providing amazing control in your hand.
The L-478DR-EL has a radio module and antenna built into the meter. The system transmits at 2.4GHz and uses signal protocols that are unique to Elinchrom’s Skyport wireless triggering/control system.

The L-478 series meters offer the following languages in the interface: Japanese, English and Chinese. Depending on the country where the meter is purchased, the language is fixed and cannot be changed by the user.


For Still Photographers:

Full featured Ambient-Flash modes including new T-F mode.
Measure, compare, and mix ambient and flash displayed on a color, touch screen for beautiful, controlled, results.
DTS Exposure Profiling matches the meter to the performance of your camera.
Precise exposure and lighting starts with precise, repeatable metering.
Radio triggering and Flash Power Setting w/Elincrhom flashes with Skyport receivers .
Flash Group selection and power control with a touch of a finger.

For Filmmakers:

Cine/HD Cine modes for today's HDSLR and Video Cine cameras.
Effortlessly switch between HDSLR and Cine for exact exposure settings in exact increments for both.
Infinite frame rate and shutter angle selection.
Create special settings for special applications.Video cine cameras are becoming boundless. Metering should be too.
Unique, light-source filtration compensation mode.
Finally, precise control lighting using industry standard CTO/CTB/ND types at the touch of a finger.
Illumination measurement and extended ISO range.
    Lighting design and exposure in a single tool. ISO and exposure settings to match today's digital cameras.



Receptor Head: Incident light and reflected light
Light Receiving Method: Incident light and reflected light
Receptor Incident Light: Convertible to flat diffuser (Lumisphere in retracted position)
Receptor Reflected Light: 5° spot with optional viewfinder
Flash Analyzing Function: 0 to 100% in 10% increments
Multiple Flash Function: Infinite number of flash readings (Only one digit is displayed when the cumulated number is ten or more)
Calibration Compensation: (+/-) 1.0 EV (in 1/10 stops)
Exposure Compensation: (+/-) 9.9 EV (in 1/10 stops)
Custom Functions: 14 custom functions
Auto Power Off: Selectable in Custom Functions

Measuring Range and Modes

Measuring Modes Ambient Light: Aperture priority, Shutter speed priority, TF priority, CINE, HD Cine, Illuminance (lx/fc), Luminance (cdm2/fl)
Measuring Modes Flash: Cord (PC), Cordless, Radio Triggering (with/without mulitple cumulative)
Measuring Range (ISO 100) Flash: 0.63 to 2,000,000 lux - 0.10 to 180,000 fc
Measuring Range Brightness: 0.25 to 190,000 cd/m2 - 0.10 to 190,000 foot lamberts

Display Range and Modes

Display Range Film Speed: ISO 3 to 409,600 (in 1/3 stops)
Display Range Shutter Speeds Ambient: 31 min. to 1/64,000 sec. plus 1/200, 1/400 sec (in 1, 1/2 and 1/3 stops)
Display Range Shutter Speeds Flash: 31 min. to 1/1000 sec plus 1/75, 1/80, 1/90, 1/100, 1/200, 1/400
Display Range Aperture: f/0.5 to f/161.2 (in 1, 1/2 and 1/3 stops)
Display Range EV: EV-27.9 to EV55.8 (with Incident light reading of ambient light)
Display Range Cine Speeds fps: 2 to 1000 f/s, plus user created settings: 20 entries
Display Range Shutter Angle: 1° to 358°, plus user created settings: 20 entries


Battery(Power): 3 Type AA 1.5V Batteries Alkaline, Manganese, Lithium, Nickel Hydride, Nickel Based
Battery Power Indicator Display: Icon with 3 status

Radio Triggering

Radio Triggering System: Elinchrom Skyport
Frequency: 2.4GHz
Triggering Range: Up to 100 feet, Transmitter-Receiver
Frequencies/Groups: Normal: 20 Frequencies / 4 Groups
Speed: 20 Frequencies / 4 Groups


Přes veškerou snahu zajistit co nejpřesnější popis, obrázky a technické parametry produktů nemůžeme zaručit, že uváděná data odpovídají skutečnosti. Řada výrobců si vyhrazuje právo změny některých parametrů či vlastností bez předchozího upozornění. Potřebujete-li ujištění o určitých parametrech produktu nebo v případě pochybností, kontaktujte prosím svého obchodníka. Pozdější reklamace vlastností je zbytečnou komplikací pro obě strany.

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