Nintendo Switch Master Detective Pikachu returns

Audio, video, TV AUTO - MOTO Drogerie Dům a zahrada Foto Hračky Káva, kávovary, příprava kávy Malé domácí spotřebiče Počítače, notebooky Sport, krása, zdraví, zábava Velké spotřebiče Výprodej ULTRA nízké ceny

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  1. Blu-Ray přehrávače
  2. Přenosné audio s CD
  3. Soundbary
  4. Diktafony
  5. Discmany
  6. DJ technika
  7. Domácí kina a příslušenství
  8. Gramofony
  9. HiFi systémy
  10. MP3
  11. Projekční technika
  12. Přehrávače CD, kasety
  13. Mobilní telefony
  14. Přenosné přehrávače
  15. Prodejní sady
  16. Radiopřijímače a radiobudíky
  17. Sluchátka
  18. Televize

Nintendo Switch Master Detective Pikachu returns


Nintendo Switch Master Detective Pikachu returns

1256 Kč
1038 Kč bez DPH

Dostupnost: 3-5 dní dostupné

Part no.: 10011781

Kód produktu: 107296330


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po-pá 8:00-16:30

Popis produktu

Popis produktu

Singleplayer: ano
Multiplayer online: ne
Multiplayer offline: ne
kompatibilní s: Nintendo Switch
němčina: ano
angličtina: ano
francouzština: ano
italština: ano
japonština: ano
španělština: ano
Žánr: Adventure & RPG
Altersfreigabe nach USK: Bez věkového omezení
Vhodné pro věkové skupiny dle PEGI: PEGI 7
Max. počet hráčů: 1

Nintendo Switch: Master detective Pikachu returns

The investigation continues
Get to the bottom of an intriguing mystery in Master Detective Pikachu Returns for Nintendo Switch. Join the Master Detective and his companion Tim as they help solve the mystery of his missing partner and get to the bottom of more curious happenings in Ryme City.

Two sleuths are better than one

Detective Pikachu
A gruff, wise-cracking (but surprisingly loveable) Pikachu who is always on the trail of the next cup of coffee and calls himself a master detective.

Tim Goodman
Tim s father Harry is Detective Pikachu s missing partner. Tim is a student at Ryme City University and the only one who can understand and talk to the coffee-loving detective.

Welcome to Ryme City!
Our detective duo s territory is Ryme City, a bustling metropolis where humans and Pokémon live side by side. Over the course of the investigation, the duo will visit an imposing mansion, ancient ruins and other locations - stopping for the occasional coffee break at the Hi-Hat Café, of course!

The investigation begins

Search for clues
Investigate your surroundings and examine suspicious-looking areas to gather evidence that will help you solve your cases.

Interview witnesses
It s always important to talk to eyewitnesses - whether they are humans or Pokémon. Tim talks to the humans, while Detective Pikachu can talk to the Pokémon of Ryme City.

Find the solution
Use your deductive powers and handy notebook to analyse all the clues and witness statements and solve the case!

Need some help?
You can also enlist the help of some Pokémon in your investigation. You control Detective Pikachu directly and let him climb on the friendly helpers to use their skills in the search for clues.


Compatible with Nintendo Switch 
Genre: Adventure & RPG 
USK age rating: No age restriction 
Age rating according to PEGI: 7  
Modes: Singleplayer 
Menu languages: 


Note: Master Detective Pikachu Returns is available in English and Japanese voice-overs, with German text and subtitles.

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